He Has A Plan

It’s been a while since I posted something in my blog, I guess leaving my home country kept me busy.To my dear friends and followers, just an update guys, I left The Philippines on the 18th day of February, went to Singapore to spend a few days with my very kind cousins and uncle and auntie.

On the 23rd of March I flew to Dubai, If you’ll ask why, of course to look for a job. So, I’ve been here on this foreign country for almost 2 weeks now and no luck has ever approached me. I have been submitting my resume online or sometimes submit it by going to the company personally in short I go as a walk in applicant, still no luck.

Now I am starting to feel frustrated and lonely at the same time being away from home, its hard but I have to hold on until the end for I do not want to cause anymore failure and heartache to my parents. I just I feel there’s something in my chest that I just need to let out and I am thinking of just crying be forever sad about it.

But I thought of a better idea…

I grab a cup of coffee, smelled and drink my favorite drink, then fired up my laptop and thought of the people who never failed to pray for me the moment they knew that I’ll be leaving. I thought of my mom, my dad, my brothers, my closest aunties and uncles, my cousins and literally everyone who loves and cares for me.

Powered up google and searched for a bible verse I can relate to and for me to feel better. So I came across with this verse:

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I admit I am not a religious person and I have my own contributions of my own sins. But I know there is Great Entity that I can ask for guidance and help whenever I feel down or weary. I may not be rightful for Him to ask for His Help but I know in His own way He’s making a way for me to cope with whatever I’m feeling right now.

i just want to apologize if I need to post something like this on my page, I know we have different beliefs and all but just what my header states :LIVELAUGHLOVE and I have never felt more aLIVE after sharing my feelings, this may be too personal of a post again I apologize.


Maria ❤


Burj Al Arab

P.S This was the first photo I took on my phone on my second day in Dubai

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