He Has A Plan

It’s been a while since I posted something in my blog, I guess leaving my home country kept me busy.To my dear friends and followers, just an update guys, I left The Philippines on the 18th day of February, went to Singapore to spend a few days with my very kind cousins and uncle and auntie.

On the 23rd of March I flew to Dubai, If you’ll ask why, of course to look for a job. So, I’ve been here on this foreign country for almost 2 weeks now and no luck has ever approached me. I have been submitting my resume online or sometimes submit it by going to the company personally in short I go as a walk in applicant, still no luck.

Now I am starting to feel frustrated and lonely at the same time being away from home, its hard but I have to hold on until the end for I do not want to cause anymore failure and heartache to my parents. I just I feel there’s something in my chest that I just need to let out and I am thinking of just crying be forever sad about it.

But I thought of a better idea…

I grab a cup of coffee, smelled and drink my favorite drink, then fired up my laptop and thought of the people who never failed to pray for me the moment they knew that I’ll be leaving. I thought of my mom, my dad, my brothers, my closest aunties and uncles, my cousins and literally everyone who loves and cares for me.

Powered up google and searched for a bible verse I can relate to and for me to feel better. So I came across with this verse:

Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I admit I am not a religious person and I have my own contributions of my own sins. But I know there is Great Entity that I can ask for guidance and help whenever I feel down or weary. I may not be rightful for Him to ask for His Help but I know in His own way He’s making a way for me to cope with whatever I’m feeling right now.

i just want to apologize if I need to post something like this on my page, I know we have different beliefs and all but just what my header states :LIVELAUGHLOVE and I have never felt more aLIVE after sharing my feelings, this may be too personal of a post again I apologize.


Maria ❤


Burj Al Arab

P.S This was the first photo I took on my phone on my second day in Dubai

Liebster Award Nomination


A massive thank you to my beloved neighbor/adviser Cheryle https://lightwalker1.wordpress.com/ for nominating me. Thank you for believing in my blog and taking time to read it, you’re the best.

Liebster Award is given to new bloggers with less than 200 followers. I think that these kind of awards will help us new bloggers to improve on our writing and gain ideas from the long time bloggers out there.

A few rules for the Nominees:

  1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them.
  4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
  5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Here are my answer to Cheryle’s questions

What always makes you laugh?

  • I always laugh even you throw me the silliest joke. I don’t know, I guess my lower frontal part of my brain is too prominent 🙂

If you were a colour, what colour would you be?

  • Pink. Ha! that’s my favorite color. 

Where is your favourite place?

  • My Room. Yes! it’s the only place I could think and write. 🙂 

How long have you been writing, blogging?

  • I always wanted to put up my own blog, and this year I decided to make one so to answer that, I’m pretty much new with blogging so please pardon me if I sometimes bore you. 

Who do you look up to?

  • This may be a cliché answer but there’s only one person I look up to and that would be my MOM. I have seen her sacrificed so much for our family, and in the future if I’ll have my own family I just want to be like her. ❤ *HI MOM! Look I have my own blog now! Love you!*

What is your favourite and least favourite personality trait?

  • My favourite personality trait is “Conscientiousness” and “Obnoxious” as my least favourite.

What is your most difficult experience?

  • Its kind of hard to answer, but I guess the most difficult experience I had been when I have to live away from our house back when I was studying. You see, here in the Philippines most of us have these strong family ties and as much as possible families want to stay together. I’d consider it a difficult experience for me because I was so used to live with my mom and brothers, then all of a sudden I was transferred to a boarding school and it took me weeks/months to be able to adjust with my new living situation. 

What is your favourite word and why?

  • “massive” One direction fans would know why. 🙂 But for me it became my favourite word because when I want to express something that either made me really happy or sad or frustrated I would definitely use the word “massive” 🙂

Who would you be if you were a person in history?

  • Emily Jane Brontë. I really love her novel Wuthering Heights even if it’s the only novel she wrote in her lifetime. 

What do you look for in a post or a blog?

  • Nothing specific. I want to see every aspect of blogging from new and tenured bloggers out there. Also I do not want to limit my self to look for blogs with only the same interests with me. 

What has been the best piece of advice you have been given?

  • Ha! I really don’t know! I am not really a good adviser but I can say I am a good listener. 🙂 













For my dear nominees here’s the 11 questions I have for you:

  1. Describe your dream vacation
  2. What song best describes you?
  3. What was the last gift you gave someone?
  4. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
  5. What talent/s do you have?
  6. What is your favorite movie?
  7. What would your dream job be?
  8. Have you ever done something really unbelievable, only to have no one around to see it?
  9. What foreign language would you love to learn and why?
  10. What was the last book you read?
  11. Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?

I hope everyone will enjoy! Thanks and happy blogging!


Maria ❤

Good Reads Book Challenge

I hope I’m not late for this year’s book challenge. 😦  Last year I finished reading 75 books, so this year I hope I could finish 85 books. I’m going to update you guys with my progress. I hope I could fulfill this challenge. ciao! 🙂

oh and by the way… what books can you recommend for me to read? I love young adult novels but any genre outside it if I find interesting I might read it 🙂

book challenge